Multi Day Event Form - Full Details

Please complete full details of your multi day event below. There is an example of a completed form for a weekend event. You may want to type your event details using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word) and only copy them into this form when you're ready.

Eye-catching title
Please fill in this field
Intended or suggested dates - must be at least 7 days from now
Please fill in these fields
Organiser name(s)
Please fill in this field
Organiser email address (enter only one email address)
Please fill in this field
Advisory - may be amended
Please fill in this field
Estimated/actual activity/accommodation/travel costs; deposit required by when and how it should be paid; for fixed price accommodation, how costs will be split and minimum attendance required
Please fill in this field
Main, intended and possible activities; location information; fitness/experience required; level of difficulty; clothing/equipment needed; for activities with routes, state distance, linear/circular, pace (2 mph is norm), villages/towns/sights, terrain (flat, muddy, boggy, hilly, steep, suitable for push chairs etc.); other groups the activity is shared with (if any)
Please fill in this field
When refreshments will be available (breakfast, lunch, am/pm tea stop, evening etc.); where refreshments will be available (hostel, cafe/pub/restaurant, B&B, tea shop, church, village/town); what refreshments (self-catering, hostel meals, takeaway, packed lunch, pub menu etc.)
Please fill in this field
Key public transport options (train/coach times if meet location is a station); main road route from Harrow; offer to co-ordinate car sharing; plane/boat/train/minibus options for longer distances (cost, who will book etc.)
Please fill in this field
Full address and postcode; rooms/chalets booked/reserved; facilities; web links
Please fill in this field
Number of beds reserved - must be at least 4 for Meetup events
Please fill in this field
Number of beds available - must be at least 4 for Meetup events
Please fill in this field
(Optional) Any useful website links
Allow this event to be shown on our Meetup group?
Please fill in this field